Making Money Online

Making Money Online
4 Common Ways To or NOT To Try

There are numerous ways to make money online, we are going to review a few of the most commonly heard of ones out there. Personally I think the internet is a great way to supplement an income or help grow a business but making money off of info products, affiliates, or advertising specifically is tough. Being online is all about getting established, getting the word out, getting ranked in search results; all of which takes time. If you need money quickly, I would try to stay away from the net. However, there is so much money out there for the taking online patience and hard work are the keys for cashing in.

Online Surveys
Bogus, few people actually make money, the rest get scammed. It is true that many people do make money but most just lose time and money that could have been spend elsewhere.

Affiliate Marketing
Speaking of affiliate marketing this is also a growing way to make money online. People set up sites that refer people to products they may be interested in. ClickBank is the most popular method for affiliate marketing. For instance, you set up a site where you have reviews on 5 golf lesson ebooks. People click on your link, purchase the product and you get a cut (usually 50%). The trick? Getting visitors. Pay per click (PPC) campaigns are usually too expensive for most affiliate products. With one I did once I made an average of 50 cents for every $30 I spent it PPC advertising. So the trick is to get listed on search engines and get natural, free traffic…and lots of it, otherwise it just won’t pay.

Selling Advertising (Adsense & Adbrite)
The same goes for selling advertising using Adsense or Adbrite. You have to have a lot of natural traffic or you just will not make any money. Adsense sites exist but as I mentioned at the beginning, it takes a lot of time to get them going so this is kind of a part time project you would have to slowly feed until it blooms.

Info Products
-This I think is the heart of making money online so I will spend a lot of time here.
-We personally are trying to create more and more information products. Why? Immediate delivery via email, no stocking or shipping costs, and 100% profit is achieved with each sale. An example is a contributor to TeenBiz from Second Nature Snowmaking. They niche is selling inexpensive home snowmaking equipment. At one point they realized that if they just tweaked their snowmaker designs slightly they could build them almost entirely with locally found parts. And if they could build them, anyone could So they made plans in PDF format and sold them on the site. Snowmaker sales did not decline but those that couldn’t afford the machines bought plans. Profits increased about 25% overnight.
-If you have a specific talent or skill, think about what others may need to know that IS NOT found in free articles or websites.
-Here is another angle you could take, if you are doing let’s say home winterization for a fall business, set up a site and then on the site create an inexpensive (but not too inexpensive) alternative. Write a quality ebook guide on winterizing your home and sell it for $25 on your website. People come after seeing your flyers or what-not and have the thought, “I could do this myself really” then they see the book and realize they don’t know what quite to do and they buy the book.
-Creating products that can be delivered via email are the way to go. We are currently working on a info product to feature on TeenBiz that the listeners can market and make most of the profit on (we are thinking you will take at least an 80% cut).

Remember, unless you have a 100% unique product, creating an online presence will be very difficult, competition will be still am you may not see significant profits for months. The key is natural search engine rankings, that is where most of your traffic will come from. This is not to discourage you from making money online because there is huge potential, it will just take time so be patient.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you mind sharing what your average cost per click was for your golf site versus how much you earned per sale? I'm launching an info product in January. A quick test campaign on Adwords sending viewers to a teaser squeeze page showed me an average CPC of 8 cents average per keyword, with an average click through rate just over 3% per keyword, which is very good. The product will be sold for 30$, and is a high quality Camtasia produced video training product for a fairly hungry niche. The numbers look good to me.. what do you think?

7:02 PM  
Blogger Gregg Blanchard said...

I made 18-25 dollars per sale and my average CPC was 12 cents. If you can manage a CPC of 8 cents and your product costs $30 I think you are set, that sounds like a great niche that you can take advantage of! The numbers looks good to me too. Best of luck!

10:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Online Surveys
Bogus, few people actually make money, the rest get scammed. It is true that many people do make money but most just lose time and money that could have been spend elsewhere.
this article is very interesting for internet advertising, click on the link
to find similar article MakeMoney Online

3:42 AM  

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