TeenBiz - 1/26/07

Creating a brand, communication, affiliate program, getting parents' support.

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What's Hot/Not
--Creating a Positive Image/Brand
--Communication and Networking
--Use Business Cards to Create Contacts
Business Idea
--How to use TeenBiz's SSE Affilliate Program
Final Word
--Getting Your Parents to Support Your Business Efforts

Mentioned In Podcast:
On Communicating: Mark McCormack
The SSE Affiliate Program

TeenBiz - 1/11/07

Episode for 1/11/07
Business cards, common mistakes, new idea, and affiliate product.

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Whats Hot - Advertising
-Business Cards, when and how to use them

Whats Not – Startups
-Trying to start a business you stink at just because it pays

Business Idea – Flyer Guy
-Create your own ValPak mailer

Final Word - SSE
-The new TeenBiz affiliate product

Short Delay...

We apologize but there will be a short delay in the release of the first NEW TeenBiz episode. We have had some technical issues but they will be resolved very soon.

Thank you for your patience and look for the Podcast later this week!