TeenBiz The Course...v2.0 Coming Soon!

We need your help and want to give you something free at the same time. We are in the process of updating (a nice word for completely overhauling) the old "TeenBiz Course" and need your input on what you want included or don't want included in the next version.

Download TeenBiz v1.0

Give us your feedback and when the new version is ready we'll make sure you are the first to get a free copy. Send your feedback to:

teenbizideas [at] yahoo.com

Be as harsh as you want, the old version has some pretty shabby parts to it so we are hoping for some really mean feedback...bring it on!

TeenBiz - 2/4/08

The Keys to Info Product Success

(or right click here and select "save target as..." to download)

Keys to Info Product Success
-You don't always have to innovate
-Avoid "how to make money" products
-Stick to things you are good at; unique is good
-Look to the future, see a bigger picture
-Don't leave the website and traffic to the end
-Create the headline first THEN the product

If you want your link to be added to the right bar on the TeenBiz website, join the TeenBiz Facebook Group and post your website link!
