TeenBiz - 4/30/08

Three Key Skills for Student Entrepreneurs

(or right click here and select "save target as..." to download)

-BOOK: Made to Stick - Chip and Dan Heath
-BOOK: How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie
-BOOK: Beyond Bullet Points - Cliff Atkinson

Business Idea
-PowerPoint Doctor

New Listener Product
-Kids Business Ideas

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Exclusive TeenBiz Access to Sendside Beta!!

Sendside, THE next generation of email (100% secure and ridiculously powerful) has released their Beta version by INVITATION ONLY! Seriously, go to their site and try to join...all you can do is request a membership and hope they pick you...seriously.

TeenBiz has secured approval for exclusive Sendside invitations which we will start sending out on Thursday, April 10, at 4:00pm ET.

So what does it take to get an invite?

Send an email to teenbizideas@yahoo.com and put the word "Sendside" in the Subject line. We will offer invitations on a first come first serve basis...so don't dilly dally.

Once you have an invite all you have to do is click the link in the email for instant access to Sendside's powerful, beta version of what is geared up to possibly be the biggest thing since Google...no joke. Talking with one of Sendside's investors the other day he said that investors everywhere all green with envy that they are not on board this big-time project.
