How to Get Legit Site Traffic That Lasts

(or right click here and select "save target as..." to download)

Learn how to get traffic from forums and blogs that actually lasts. Plus, if you do it right you will actually setup your site for big success in the future. Don't just spam these guys...give them what they want and it will pay off in the long run.

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Will This Business Fail?!

(or right click here and select "save target as..." to download)

Hey is a chance for you to all test your entrepreneurial savvy. A friend of mine just started this site, and its in BETA right now...getting ready to launch soon. The question I have for you is...


Why or why not? What do you think are it's strong points? What are it's weak points? Visit their site, check it out, and post your thoughts in the comments section below. Best comment wins a free copy of "The 7-Day Startup".

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New TeenBiz Listener Business: Forward Slash Media

Ben C, a TeenBiz listener just started a new video editing business called Forward Slash Media. To test his skills I had him create the new video that is found on the top of the right sidebar of the site at did a great job and his fees were very reasonable.

Right now Ben is offering a 50% discount to new customers on their first project. If you need any video editing or production done in the next little while, shoot Ben an email at . I guarantee you won't find anyone else that can edit video at prices like Ben's.

Great job Ben and best of luck!